Costa Rica As Seen Through the Lens Of My Samsung Galaxy SIII Smartphone

Me and a baby sloth named Oprah playing with the Samsung Galaxy SIII

While traveling through Costa Rica last month aside from taking a million photos with my Samsung Galaxy SIII I also gave it a shot filming with the phone. I still can’t decide how I feel about this phone for picture taking, sometimes I can’t get the photo “just right” or find a photo editing app that I love, however I am slightly blown away by its camera for filming. Not only does it capture some amazing colors but of course the large screen is great to look at while filming. If I were going to use it more and even film myself I would most likely want a professional microphone however I was amazed at how good the phone also did with audio recording.

I didn’t find an in phone video editing app that worked the way I wanted it to so I exported the clips, converted them and edited them with Final Cut. I must say I’m quite impressed with the Samsung Galaxy SIII’s filming capabilities. Watch my newest video to see if you agree.


I still haven’t quite decided if the Galaxy SIII is the phone for me or not yet and it looks like I might be the only one in the Navigate Media Group having a hard time to decide. I’ve been addicted to my iPhone for a long time and as funny as it sounds for someone that travels a lot with a constant changing scenery I don’t like change. However now every time I go back to my iPhone the screen seems soooo tiny and I keep trying to use it like my Galaxy hitting the back button where one doesn’t exist, etc. It makes me also realize how smart Samsung was in the design of the phone, “designed for humans” rings true. Its very easy to use almost organic with how things work, where with the iPhone its a learning lesson when you first get it.

I’ll keep playing with the phone and I will definitely keep it as my travel phone, because I’ll tell you being able to change SIM cards no matter where I am in the world is more than awesome. I guess I have to admit it, yes I am now one of those “two phone” people. Its currently the only way I can compromise with myself.

How do you deal with change? Have you ever switched the type of phones you use? Or computer? Or camera? Which boat are you on? The Android or the iPhone?

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  • Reply
    December 12, 2012 at 3:46 pm

    Very very cool. I definitely want to try video on mine now.

    • Reply
      December 20, 2012 at 1:14 pm

      Thanks! I liked making a video with that thing more than I liked taking photos with it! haha

  • Reply
    December 12, 2012 at 2:53 pm

    Wow – the quality is very impressive. The sloth thought so too, apparently! :)

    • Reply
      December 20, 2012 at 1:15 pm

      OMG the sloth was so adorable. I didn’t realize what she was doing at first! haha

  • Reply
    December 11, 2012 at 11:11 pm

    Wow what a great video.. and with a phone no less! I already wanted to visit Costa Rica and now you’ve made that desire even stronger :)

    • Reply
      December 20, 2012 at 1:15 pm

      Glad I could help :) haha

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