Travel Websites I like:
Personal Travel Blogs:
1,000 Fights Twitter: @1000fights
Mike and Luci met in third grade, started fighting in 6th grade, and haven’t stopped.
48 Hour Adventure Twitter: @jm_deluxe
Only got a day or two in a city? Maybe you’re transiting through Singapore, Bangkok etc and want to make the most of the limited time you have. or perhaps you just want a quick weekend getaway. Then stick around, this blog’s for you matey. Twitter: @adventurouskate
I live for adventures. Like the time that I joined Vanilla Ice on stage in South Padre Island. Or the time my friends and I survived a riot in Rome. Or how I traveled to Budapest for one reason only: to see the white chocolate statue of Michael Jackson. Twitter: @Ayngelina
Travel, food, photography and everything in between! Twitter: @brendanvanson
With a fresh, magazine-like style, Brendan van Son’s blog “The World is my Jungle Gym” is a breath of fresh air.
He wants to sweep his reader off to the place described therein. Twitter: @candicewalsh
I’m a 30-something female dangling precariously on the edge of eastern Canada, in St. John’s, Newfoundland. Twitter: @CanvasOfLight
A wandering soul and a traveler, eager to learn from the entire World, and excited to share all the Knowledge and the Beauty captured through his lens.
Caroline In The City Blog Twitter: @cairinthecity
I would just call myself a scribbler. Hardly a writer and barely a blogger. I’ve been journaling since I can remember, but I didn’t think of it as a career until one exceptional teacher and one entertaining internship. Twitter: @camorose
Californian by birth, Francophile at heart.
Everywhereist Twitter: @everywhereist
Yes, it’s a travel blog. But at its core, it’s a love letter to my husband. A big, long, cuss-filled love letter. The kind he’d appreciate. The only kind I’m able to write. Twitter: @HeckticTravels
A Canadian couple who has sold everything and been on the road since 2009. The King and Queen of traveling by House-sitting. Twitter: @hikebiketravel
Leigh is addicted to adventure travel, bike tours, hiking and walking tours, culturally interesting vacations and the odd wildly epic day. Twitter: @Landlopers
Matt has a passion for travel and started LandLopers to share his passion and to teach others how to see the world more efficiently and without spending a fortune.
Legal Nomads Twitter: @legalnomads
I am a former lawyer from Montreal currently eating my way around the world, one country at a time. Marshmallow enthusiast, volcano climber and cave spelunker – and also a geek. Twitter: @solotraveler
Janice is a Canadian traveler/writer who travels solo often with great tips and tricks on how you can too! Twitter: @theaussienomad
Late 20’s career breaker setting off to travel the world and maybe enjoy a beer or two as he goes. Twitter: @theplanetd
Dave and Deb are great fellow Canadian travellers who travel the world together trying everything and anything at least once.
Tourist to Townie Twitter: @Tourist2Townie
Travel deeper with Gareth Leonard on his uncensored social experiment to see what it takes to go from Tourist to Townie in Latin America.
Traveling Editor Twitter: @TravelingEditor
Like a good story, a good life requires constant editing. To truly enrich my life, I must travel. What better to be travelling and editing in the same time? I am the Travelling Editor, and I am the editor of my destiny – just as one is the master of his fate, and captain of his soul. Twitter: @20stravel
I’m just a girl who can not sit still. Twitter: @TravelsofAdam
In April 2010 Adam quit his job as a graphic designer at a major book publisher and left for a round-the-world trip and hasn’t looked back.
Travel Websites:
Other interest sites & blogs:
A high school friend of Cailin’s has survived many things in life, one being mental illness. He now writes about it in his book and poetry, definitely something everyone should take a look at. Surviving your 20s and becoming an adult. Colony of Losers – DIY Mental Health to survive terrors of being a 20 something.
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