Traveling to South America


I want to meet this guy at Machu Picchu like did!

Visiting South America has been on my travel list for quite a while and I keep thinking about it more and more these days as it is my only continent left that I have to visit! Well South America and Antarctica that is, and lets hope when I finally visit one I will also get to visit the other.

Ushuaia, Argentina by Jennifer Doré Dallas

This could be my view in Ushuaia, Argentina before heading to Antarctica. Photo credit:

I think one of the reasons I haven’t visited South America yet is because I’ll admit it, I’m a bit afraid of it. I hear the stories of some people dealing with corruption, and people walking down the street getting their phones stolen, and purses cut off of them and it doesn’t sound to exciting. But I know its a large continent and stuff like this happens all over the world and I can’t let a few incidents keep me from visiting a place.

Fingers crossed 2014 will be the year I finally visit South America. I think the first time I go I’ll either want to travel with a friend or perhaps take a small group tour. I have Peru and the Galapagos in my sights, partly because a lot of my blogging friends have been to both places over the past couple of years and have really inspired me to go and I have also been thinking about visiting Belize, Argentina and I guess everywhere in South America really.

Blue Footed Boobies in the Galapagos Islands by

I wish to see Blue Footed Boobies in the Galapagos someday soon! Photo credit:

One of my favourite ways to learn about a new country when visiting is of course through meeting the locals and tasting my way through their culture by visiting the markets and taking a food tour or two or five. I have previously taken food tours in New York with Foods of New York and in Rome with Walks of Italy and I even took a food tour in Puerto Rico.

However these tours were all just an afternoon or a couple hours. It would be great to do a week long food tour where you really got to know the food and culture instead of just sampling it on the run. Adventure Life offers just those tours.

Chilean Wine Grapes on the Vine by Flickr user chrismar

Cabernet Grapes hang on the vine in Santa Cruz, Chile

Now that I am training to become a Sommelier it would be awesome to go on the Chile Wine Adventure tour that they offer. Traveling throughout the country for eight days, visiting the country’s largest fish market, exploring Santiago, biking through vineyards and more.

Peru-Pisac-market by

Exploring markets in Peru Photo Credit

They also offer a culinary tour of Peru Cuisine where a guide takes you through the San Pedro market, Cusco’s largest open market and then prepare your own Peruvian dish at a restaurant with some of the city’s best chefs. You also get to visit a locals home and cook with them, visit more markets and as a bonus you get to see Machu Picchu. Hello bucket list!

There is SO much to see and do in South America of course, but I’m not even sure where to start. Fingers crossed 2014 is the year I finally get to visit.

Have you traveled to South America? What tours might you recommend for a foodie visiting for the first time?

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  • Reply
    July 5, 2019 at 6:13 am

    I know few people said that already, but the pictures are stunning! I love the main one most :D

    Will add Peru to my list :)

  • Reply
    May 6, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    Your pictures are amazing! Traveling in Medellin, Colombia currently. Would love to visit Peru as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Reply
    February 14, 2014 at 2:10 pm

    Oh man … I might just have to extend my scheduled Central American tour later this year to the South America on account of this post!

    • Reply
      February 15, 2014 at 2:29 am

      haha do it! Maybe I will see you there :)

  • Reply
    February 11, 2014 at 7:28 pm

    I loved my time as a solo female traveler in South America and I think it’s a place everyone should check out! I love that lama picture by the way :)

    • Reply
      February 15, 2014 at 2:30 am

      Thanks Jennifer! Good to hear! The Lama photo is a favourite by Erica of! :)

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    Leigh Shulman
    February 10, 2014 at 2:08 pm

    I’ve lived here the last five years and been all over Argentina and quite a bit of Bolivia. While I don’t know the other areas as well, I am also pretty comfortable in Central America. Like any country in the world or big city on the planet, there are basic rules you follow, but there’s nothing scary here, at least no more than anywhere else.

    Corruption only really becomes a problem if you make bad choices (which are easy to avoid) or you’ve lived here long enough that you have to get involved on a deeper level than you would as a visitor. Even then, you learn how not to get involved.

    The beauty, also, is that South America is a great place to learn Spanish. I didn’t know any when we arrived. Now I’m fluent. I sometimes think Argentines in particular are born with a natural gene to teach others how to speak Spanish.

    You’re going to love it!

    • Reply
      February 10, 2014 at 2:51 pm

      I will have to come visit you Leigh!! I have spent some time in Costa Rica already and about 20minutes in Panama but I would like to explore more of Central America too. :) I also would love to be better at Spanish, great tips and thanks for the comment!

  • Reply
    Indiana Jo
    February 10, 2014 at 2:05 pm

    I was freaked out before my first trip to South America as a solo female (2010). Since then, I’ve been back to Latin America twice and will return this year. Like with most travel related worries, they are feelings you largely only have before you reach a place rather than when you’re there. Flora’s recommendations are perfect. If you have time, try to get into Central America – that’s probably my favourite place in the world. Enjoy!

    • Reply
      February 10, 2014 at 2:51 pm

      Glad I’m not the only one! :) Where are you visiting this year? I figure I will love it once I get there but I just need to get there already! I have been to Costa Rica already and spent about 20 minutes in Panama, now its time to conquer South America! haha thanks!

  • Reply
    February 10, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    South America is absolutely amazing and you should definitely go! I spent 6 weeks backpacking in Chile, Bolivia and Argentina and I can’t wait to go back and see more. San Pedro de Atacama in Northern Chile is a must. The landscape and terrain in that area is out of this world and you can start your Bolivia Salt Flats tour from there (or end it). There’s tons of places to go wine tasting too. I went to Cafayate in Argentina and the drive there was spectacular. I haven’t been to Peru yet but its on my list! I was backpacking with a girl friend and met lots of other travelers, though my friend did get mugged (passport and all) in Valparaiso, Chile. We were unharmed, just really pissed off. Just be aware of your surroundings and who’s around you, but I always felt safe in South America.

    • Reply
      February 10, 2014 at 2:54 pm

      Thanks for the great tips Jill! You mentioned all of the places I want to visit and more! I am dying to take a typical salt flats photo like everyone else does! haha

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    Eva Gold
    February 10, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    Bueno! I love South America but if you have time, throw Central in too! If you love steak and red wine, then you really need to have an asado with the locals in Argentina washed down with some proper malbec. I also LOVE Valparaiso in Chile, probably one of my favorite cities actually!

    • Reply
      February 10, 2014 at 2:56 pm

      Thanks for the recommendations Eva! That steak and malbec sound lovely! I have been to parts of Central America already but I definitely have more exploring to do there as well :)

  • Reply
    February 10, 2014 at 12:37 pm

    You’re going to love South America! It’s so exciting and vibrant. It may “seem” like a big leap from North America, but it’s really not. Just go already!

    • Reply
      February 10, 2014 at 2:56 pm

      hahaha thanks Lance!

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    .Flora the Explorer
    February 10, 2014 at 12:15 pm

    Oh there are SO many places you can go!! Take it from someone who’s just spent the last year in South America and still can’t get enough :)

    I totally understand the safety worries but as long as you keep your wits about you things are normally fine. And as for meeting people, the vast majority of travellers in South America are so friendly that it’s hard not to have company. Also there’s a well established tourist track running through most countries – particularly Ecuador/Peru/Bolivia, as they’ve each got special sites everyone wants to visit (Galapagos, Machu Picchu & the Salt Flats) – so it’s really pretty simple to get from place to place :)

    • Reply
      February 10, 2014 at 12:22 pm

      Thanks Flora! You are definitely one of my main influencers for wanting to visit there!! I’ll becoming to you for tips and suggestions when I finally start planning something! Maybe we can even meet up somewhere down there! :)

  • Reply
    February 10, 2014 at 4:46 am

    I haven’t been to South America either Cailin and feel the same as you, it scares me slightly. And its so massive and diverse I don’t even know where to start. I would love to hear other people’s tips too about what they would recommend.

    • Reply
      February 10, 2014 at 12:23 pm

      Glad I’m not the only one! Also I know the “tiniest” amount of Spanish and I don’t know any Portuguese at all so it will defiantly be interesting! haha

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