Enjoying a meal with Ayngelina and Rease at our all inclusive resort Villa Del Palmar Loreto in Mexico
I’m writing this post from the balcony of my room at the Villa Del Palmar Loreto hotel in Loreto, Mexico where I am staying as an all inclusive guest as part of a fam tour. This is only my second time staying at an all inclusive resort (the first was a few years back in Cuba) and you know what? I like it.
When I travel, as you know I mostly travel solo. Each trip is an adventure. I enjoy roaming city streets without a map, trying new and different foods at whatever random restaurant I come upon when I realize I’m hungry. I like interacting with the locals and hearing travel stories from other people staying at the same hostel as me or from people on a tour I’ve chosen to take. Nothing is planned, I never know what I might stumble upon or what might happen next. At an all inclusive resort however that is all different.
At an all inclusive resort after a day or two, everyone staying there is a familiar face to you, you will have eaten at the various restaurants, sampled the drink list and enjoyed the amenities. End of adventure. However I like that. It is nice to come to a place like this where the only decision you have to make is chicken or fish? Piña Colada or Margarita? You don’t need to think about much or even worry about money as everything is included. And well with a view like this who can complain?
Its nice just to turn your brain off, relax and enjoy the sun and let other people worry for you. All inclusive vacations might not be for every one but after a lot of quick fast paced half way around the world trips it is nice just to stop and think, read a book and just relax.
Have you gone on an all inclusive vacation before? Would you? Hola from Mexico!
Photographed with a Nikon D5100 using a 17-55mm lens.
Get a trip
June 17, 2012 at 7:20 pmI just finished reading your article about, “How to Take Travel Videos that People Will Actually Want to Watch,” and it was inspiring. I think of how many times though now that I had the perfect setting for a great travelogue and passed up the moment. I think next time I am coming prepared. Luv this blog– Regards, Roman T.
Villa del Palmar Loreto
June 8, 2012 at 3:31 pmThanks for sharing your opinion with us. We think the best part of an all-inclusive is “No Concerns”, specially if you want to spend all day at the Resort and relax, but if you want to explore and being adventurous you will always find a lot of good restaurants in town!
We are here to fufill all our guests expectations.
May 28, 2012 at 11:47 pmYou can’t beat a good all inclusive resort! Although i love to explore the destination where I am staying I also love just being able to chill out with everything done for me!
May 23, 2012 at 4:52 pmLast year I went to an all inclusive resort in Cancun for my cousin’s wedding. It was my first all inclusive vacation as well. It was nice to go down to the beach, have a drink, and just relax. I wouldn’t want it for every trip, but I definitely wouldn’t turn down another all inclusive in the future either.
May 26, 2012 at 3:02 pmhaha exactly my thoughts! Would never turn it down, but not exactly what I want to do on every trip. :)
May 23, 2012 at 2:07 pmI’d take 7 days at a resort to just sit and do nothing! Everyone needs to do that sometimes! It’s not my traveling preference, but it definitely has it’s place. :)
May 26, 2012 at 3:03 pmIt’s nice to be papered sometimes isn’t it? :)
lila fox
May 22, 2012 at 6:56 pmSo funny. I’m not a big all-inclusive girl either, but we did our first all-inclusive resort last month down in Playa del Carmen, Mexico .. and, I’ve gotta admit, it was pretty darn nice. I too like to stumble upon restaurants, things to do, meet locals, but there is something so relaxing about not having to think. And about just raising the blue flag on the beachside umbrella for a fresh cocktail & side of guacamole. I wouldn’t do it all the time, but I can now see the charm.
Have fun in Mexico!
May 26, 2012 at 3:04 pmThanks Lila! It is the life isn’t it? haha